Swinton Pharmacy

Swinton Pharmacy : 0161 727 8442

Blood Test Manchester

Blood Tests

Blood tests are used to measure or examine the cells, proteins, chemicals and other substances within the blood. Blood tests are one of the most common types of lab tests. They are often included in a patient check-up to ensure everything is in order.

Flu Vaccinations

At Swinton Pharmacy, we provide flu vaccinations as part of this service. We hope to encourage people to get their flu vaccinations and protect themselves and those around them. We want to ensure our customers that our flu vaccinations are safe and effective. We offer flu vaccinations for people who are most at risk of getting seriously ill from the flu.

Travel Vaccinations

When you travel abroad, you may be exposed to infectious diseases like hepatitis A and yellow fever. This is why it’s important to get your travel vaccinations to stay protected during the duration of your trip.

Chest Infection

An infection of the chest occurs when the lungs or large airways become infected. In some cases, chest infections clear up on their own and are not a cause for concern. There are, however, other chest infections that can be quite severe and even life-threatening. Chest infections are very common especially after a cold or flu during the autumn and winter months.

Ear infection

Ear Infection

An ear infection is an infection in the middle of your ear, it’s located in the air-filled space behind the eardrum that contains tiny vibrating bones of the ear. Adults are very unlikely to suffer from an ear infection. However, children often suffer from ear infections.

Throat Infection

Throat infections are usually caused by a virus however, they can be caused by bacteria such as streptococcal bacteria (strep throat). Majority of the time throat infections are caused by a virus. A common cold is usually the cause of a throat infection. A normal throat infection only involves some slight pain in your throat followed by scratchiness or irritation of the throat that often causes pain when you swallow.

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