Weight loss

Weight loss

How to start your weight loss journey?

When you begin your weight loss journey, it takes commitment as well as a plan that will help you achieve short realistic goals over a period of time. Having a realistic plan in place will allow you to progress with your weight loss and keep you motivated. A plan will prevent you from setting yourself unrealistic goals. For example, losing so many pounds in a short amount of time. This can leave you feeling defeated and frustrated.

Making the decision to start your weight loss journey can change your lifestyle completely, this is a big step. This is why it’s important that the first commitment you make is to yourself. This will ensure you stay on track with your weight loss and will help you take steps towards a healthier version of yourself.

What’s your reason for starting your weight loss?

There maybe be several reasons you want to start your health journey, for instance you may have a family history of heart disease, diabetes, or want to feel better about your personal appearance. Everyone has their own reasons for starting their weight loss journey. Discovering your reason will motivate you to overcome those obstacles standing in your way of reaching your goals.

It’s important to revisit your goals you set for yourself every few months. You will be able to evaluate your progress. This will allow you to see where you are progressing and which parts of your plan may need tweaking. For instance, you want to improve your cardio but are not able to find the time to go for that walk or run. To improve this, you could wake up earlier to fit it into your day.

Setting yourself new goals?

If you are constantly achieving particular goals, you can incorporate another you’d like to achieve. It’s important to reward yourself for all the hard work you’ve been putting into your journey, so go on that day out with friends or treat yourself to something new. Rewards will keep you motivated and on track with your progress.

How can Swinton pharmacy help you?

At Swinton pharmacy, to help individuals with their weight loss journey, we employ a variety of techniques which can do just that. But what medication exists to help with weight loss? Liraglutide, brand name Saxenda is one such drug. It’s known as a Glucagon Like Peptide, or GLP-1 mimetic. Glp-1 is made by the body when it feels full. Saxenda is used daily and has proven very useful in people wanting to lose weight. You may have heard of a similar drug called Semaglutide, brand name Ozempic. This is another GLP-1, but this is licensed for diabetics to help lower their blood glucose.

Ozempic is a weekly injection rather than a daily one. However, Ozempic is not licensed on the NHS to treat weight loss, hence why your GP is unlikely to prescribe it to you. The licensed version of Ozempic for weight loss is called wegovy and should be available both on the NHS as well as privately for weight loss soon. Similar GLP-1’s to Ozempic are being licensed in the near future by many medical manufacturers for weight loss.

For educational purposes

Orlistat is a drug which helps to reduce fat absorption from your diet. Alongside a healthy diet and exercise regime, they can help you begin your journey. We can provide you with the confidence to continue to take steps towards becoming a healthier version of yourself.

GLP-1 mimetics are used to slow down how fast the food you eat travels through your digestive tract. This will make you feel as though your stomach is full for a longer period of time. Therefore, reducing the amount of food, you are eating and reducing the blood glucose. GLP-1’s and orlistat can be effective in helping individuals lose weight effectively, however, these medications are only suitable for certain people.

Weight loss medications come with their own risks such as nausea, constipation, diarrhoea, vomiting and abdominal pain.

For more information about managing your weight, you can look at our weight management service. However, for more information get in touch with us today for a consultation.


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